Tag Archives: WebPart

WebPart Zone in Page Layout not displaying – Sharepoint 2013


It has happen to me many times, but I always forget and start worrying

Simple Solution : putting IE into Compatibility Mode 🙂

Creating Connected Web Parts in SharePoint 2010

Connected web parts allow you to provide enhanced interactivity within SharePoint application pages. Consumer and provider web parts pass information back and forth, which can be very useful in master-details scenarios, such as selecting a list item and seeing additional information about that item. In this sample from TrainSignal’s SharePoint 2010 Development course, speaker walks you through the process of creating a provider web part that has a message among its properties, and connecting it with a consumer web part that displays the message from the provider

Ref : Creating Connected Web Parts in SharePoint 2010

The difference between web parts and lists

Did you try adding another web part to a page and it displays the same data as another web part on the page? Here is the answer.

As part of my habit of posting in this site an answer for any question I see more than once in the forums, I want to share with you an explanation I use in the forums to let sharepoint beginners realize what is the difference between a web part and a list.

The confusion sounds like this:
I’m a newbie to the SharePoint world so if this is a really amateur question, you know why. I am currently tasked with setting up the SharePoint site for my department. I have tried to put two instances of the Links web part on the top-level of my site. It will allow me to do this but when I make a change to one of the web parts the change also occurs in the other Links web part.” (taken from an msdn forum post)

To which I reply:
You are confusing “web parts” and “lists
A “web part” is a mechanism to display data, while a “list” is like a small database – a mechanism to store data.

What you did, is have one list (links, or contacts) and two web part displaying the same list – same data.

If you want two different sets of data then the easy way would be to create another list, and add a web part to look into that list.

Another option is to create a field in the list by the name (for example) “show in web part 1” of type boolean, and then configure the two webparts that show the same information to show based on that field (this method is known as a filter).

Insert JavaScript into a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP)

In the 2007 version of SharePoint, we had the Source Editor included in the Content Editor Web Part as our way of inputting JavaScript directly onto a page. The process on how to do this has changed a little bit in the new 2010 version. Follow below on how to successfully perform the same task.

Instead of having a Source Editor to directly paste in our code, we need to first create a simple text file and paste and save our code there. Once saved, upload that file to SharePoint. I am using the Site Assets library for this demo and a JavaScript that displays today’s date. After you have uploaded the file, right-click on the file and select Copy Shortcut.

Now, go to your desired page and put the page in edit mode. Add in the Content Editor Web Part located under the Media and Content category. Once added select the web part and use the ribbon UI to navigate to the Web Part Properties screen.

On the web part properties screen, paste in the URL link to your uploaded JavaScript file. Click Ok on the properties screen and, if your JavaScript is valid, it should display the desired results! Simple and easy!

Ref : Insert JavaScript into a Content Editor Web Part By sptwentyten