Tag Archives: Demo

Creating SharePoint custom mobile pages (Nice Video)

This video shows how you can create custom mobile pages by using KWizCom’s SharePoint Mobile Extensions Feature.
Custom mobile pages are custom-tailored pages, created without any development, and include the exact page parts and buttons your end-users need.

PowerShell Demo Tools

Several people who attended my PowerShell talk at SPC09 have been asking for the “Start-Demo” Script I used to demo PowerShell commands without having to type them in front of a live audience.  

The script I used is really just a slightly modified version of this one 


iI recommend just using the version provided by the PowerShell team.

Also, I recommend pairing this with the Sysinternals tool ZoomIt to allow for zooming and underlining elements on the screen.

This is a free tool available from the Sysinternals website: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/default.aspx